Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Recession's Effect on Dogs

I have been reading more and more articles about people giving up their dogs due to the recession. I realize I might be a bit wacky about my animals, but really? Would you dump your kid at a shelter when times got tough?

Most of the articles say that downsizing into a home or apartment that doesn't allow pets is the #1 reason. Consequently, shelters are overcrowded, recieving less donations and the sweet souls of dogs pay the price. Adopting a dog is a HUGE responsibility. Not one to take lightly, and certainly not one to not consider over the long haul. There will always be something in life that makes us "uncomfortable."

Instead of ditching the first thing we see, how about appreciating the comfort and joy a pet can bring. If you choose to adopt a dog (or any animal for that matter), really look into your heart. If you can't promise to love and cherish that pet forever, don't do it.


Never Say Never Greyhounds said...

The apartment excuse really pisses me off. I just don't believe it. Lots of places accept pets now.


Michelle said...

Well said Brooke! I am a package deal - wherever I go, my dogs and cats are going with me.