Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Pet, Health Connection

It is no surprise to animal lovers the benefits of owning a pet. Especially in these difficult times, anything we can do to bring joy into our lives is welcome. I know that with my family spending more time at home, the joy of our two dogs and their companionship is even more important. Walking with and playing with your dogs is free. It gets you both moving. It will make you both happy. See this article from CBS news regarding the benefits of pet ownership. Rescue a life - it might make yours longer.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Greyt Tunes!

One of my greyhound friends from Cincinnati sent me a link to the video below. Besides having some wonderful greyhound photos - including rarely seen greyhound puppies, the song and lyrics are really touching. If this doesn't make you want to adopt one of these sweet dogs, I don't know what will.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Recession's Effect on Dogs

I have been reading more and more articles about people giving up their dogs due to the recession. I realize I might be a bit wacky about my animals, but really? Would you dump your kid at a shelter when times got tough?

Most of the articles say that downsizing into a home or apartment that doesn't allow pets is the #1 reason. Consequently, shelters are overcrowded, recieving less donations and the sweet souls of dogs pay the price. Adopting a dog is a HUGE responsibility. Not one to take lightly, and certainly not one to not consider over the long haul. There will always be something in life that makes us "uncomfortable."

Instead of ditching the first thing we see, how about appreciating the comfort and joy a pet can bring. If you choose to adopt a dog (or any animal for that matter), really look into your heart. If you can't promise to love and cherish that pet forever, don't do it.